23 November 2016

FaceBook and China

According to New York Times story today, Facebook is developing a tool to effectively allow China to block content on its news feed.  In return, Facebook would finally get to enter the Chinese market.  Although Facebook does provide blocking of certain content in other countries (e.g., content that is allegedly inconsistent with local culture and laws in places like Pakistan), the apparent willingness to cooperate with China's government to block actual news that helps it blockade information to the Chinese people is a step way beyond what Facebook has done to date.  And, it further reflects that Mark Zuckerberg's consistent statements about facilitating communications for the common good is a lie; he and Facebook clearly are only interested in becoming more profitable, even if that means cooperating with the massive censorship programs of the Chinese government. And, while I'm generally in favor of companies making as much money as possible based on the quality of its services and products in the market, directly cooperating with an oppressive government and developing tools to facilitate that oppression should called what it is: collaboration in censorship and oppression.  The US government should be concerned that US companies are actively supporting and encouraging the oppression of millions of people by a foreign government, especially one that is hostile to the US.  Perhaps the US government should also consider passing laws that prohibit US companies (and Facebook is not the only one; also, Cisco and others) from doing business with or in such countries if their business is used to facilitate such oppression.

1 comment:

  1. So, senhor Moore, who is the big brother in this comment? The U.S.,the big corporations or China?
